

R50 for R200 Mango Voucher

Get 75% Off your Next Mango Flight We have an excellent special. In conjunction with Ubuntudeal (one of South Africa’s most popular group buying sites) you can get 75% Off you next Mango flight. Pay R50 and get R200 off your Mango flight. Click on the banner below to go to the...

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Are consumers being ripped off on airfare prices?

There has been much talk recently about travellers and consumers being “ripped off” by travel agents with many alarming publications in the travel industry by online retailers. This has resulted in a recent response from the SATC (South African Travel Centre) to set the record straight. Although the average consumer is only aware of fare...

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Green Tourism in South Africa

In line with COP17 held in Kwazulu ñ Natal last year, the South African tourism sector has set out to preserve one of the countryís biggest assets ñ nature, in addition to fighting climate change. A green rating system for the tourism industry has been developed by Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa (FTTSA). This...

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Tablets take to the skies

The iPad 2 is making its way onto the flight deck of many international airlines as an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) to replace weighty carry-on flight bags filled with documentation and manuals. Locally, the low cost airline 1Time, have become the first airline in Africa to make use of the Apple iPad 2 on the...

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kulula 2012 competition

Kulula are running a competition called, “it’s almost 2012″. They will be giving away plenty of prizes, and each prize will go to at least 12 people, which means there is plenty of opportunity for you to win. See the competition details below: Kulula are also showcasing some one-way flight specials. These are: Lanseria <->...

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Kulula Airlines the fun continues

Kulula Airlines, one of the biggest low-cost airlines in South Africa are well known for their humorous marketing campaigns, and their latest offering is no different. Their new livery, entitled “Flying 101″ sees Kulula Airways labeling each part of their aircraft with humorous captions. Designed by Kulula’s in-house graphic design team as part of the...

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1Time to offer more flights in December 2011

Good news for travelers looking for low cost flights this December. 1Time airlines have increased the number of flights available on their routes for the 2011 festive season to meet the demands of their customers. 1Time will be increasing their flights by 126 flights in total. The additional flights include 52 flights to be offered...

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Kulula introduces new heavy baggage charges

Over and above the recent heavy increases in ACSA passenger charges that passengers now have to face when flying on any of the low-cost airlines in South Africa, Kulula have recently implemented a new charge system for heavy baggage. This new charge could see the cost for flying become somewhat heavy for passengers with extra...

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Mango celebrates its 5th Birthday

It does not seem so long ago that South Africa saw its first low-cost, no-frills airline launch affordable flights for the South African public, yet one of the last airlines to join the industry, Mango Airlines, has just turned 5. Mango celebrates a half a decade of growth. With the company sustaining its position in...

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Local airlines to help develop the South African biofuel industry

The persistent economic uncertainty coupled with the international agreement on the need for greener practices, has led to a desperate need for carbon-neutral technologies. The most impressive of which is the advancement of biofuel production within the aviation industry. The European Union plans to require all transportation fuels to contain a 10% biofuel component from...

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