Flights for Pick n Pay Argus

With the Pick n Pay Argus coming up in March, it would be best to try and book your flights as early as possible. This will allow you to not only secure a booking (which go pretty fast), but also get a better price than you would by booking last minute. One of the major questions we get when people are planning on booking their flight for the Argus Cycle Tour is how do they get their bikes down to Cape Town. There is no need to fear, as most airlines have special processes put in place for this situation. At the moment only Mango have put theirs online, but no doubt closer to the time so will the other airlines. They offer: • Secure premises for storage of your bike

• 24 hour security at the storage facility

• Convenient drop off and pick up of your bike

• Your bike doesn’t form part of your checked baggage

• We guarantee that your bike will be at the collection point within 72 hours of drop-off

• SMS notification on arrival of your bike

• Safe transport of your bike

The cost is typically R195 for the transport of the bike (total for return). There are also some recommendations on how to pack and protect your bicycle (you can find them here).

As more airlines update their specials for the Cape Argus Cycle Tour, so too will we update this page to keep you informed. Search for a cheap flight