ACSA 70% Price Hike in November

Last year ACSA were granted some massive increases in airport tax they say they need to repay the huge loans taken out to refurbish our international airports and to build King Shaka airport, for all those Durban Flights. The first increase was for 33%, and then a second increase was granted for a further 34.8%. As ACSA have been delayed in applying the increase they are now planning on simply increasing airport tax by 70% in November. This is a huge increase and will definitely have an effect on the price passengers pay, and thus passenger numbers. It looks like nothing can be done as to limit the amount of the increase, but the airlines are trying to persuade ACSA to phase them in, instead of one big hit. Only time will tell how severely passenger numbers will be affected. The worrying aspect is that this is actually only the first in a number of ACSA increases planned over the next few years.